Búsqueda por tema: System analysis.
Mostrando 1-11 de 11 resultados, ordenados por
1. Systems analysis and design / Alan Dennis, Barbara Haley Wixom, Roberta M. Roth. — Sixth edition. 2014

2. Applying UML and patterns : an introduction to object-oriented analysis and design and iterative development / Craig Larman. — 3rd ed. 2005

3. Requirements analysis : from business views to architecture / David C. Hay. 2003

4. Contextual design : defining customer-centered systems / Hugh Beyer, Karen Holtzblatt. 1998

5. Models of computation : exploring the power of computing / John E. Savage. 1998

6. Applying UML and patterns : an introduction to object-oriented analysis and design / Craig Larman. 1998

7. Seamless object-oriented software architecture : analysis and design of reliable systems / Kim Waldén, Jean-Marc Nerson. 1995

8. Object analysis and design : comparison of methods / Andrew T.F. Hutt, editor. 1994

9. Business information systems : analysis, design, and practice / Graham Curtis. 1989

10. Modern structured analysis / Edward Yourdon. 1989

11. Object-oriented systems analysis : modeling the world in data / Sally Shlaer, Stephen J. Mellor. 1988

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